March Newsletter
Posted on Mar. 10, 2025Check under documents for the March newsletter.
According to ATCO, as per a phone call, our school will NOT be affected by the planned power outage on Tuesday, October 1, 2024. If anything changes, we will let you know. School will resume after…
I am happy to share some info regarding the 4 Seasons online course. We will have 2 sign up intakes this year (fall and winter) for staff and school community members (School Councils, parents and families).…
Join us on Friday as we all recognize Orange Shirt Day as an act of Truth and Reconciliation. There will also be NO SCHOOL on September 30th (Monday) to recognize the 150,000 Indigenous children who…
Foodtastic Friday will be the last Friday of every month. Send your child with some money to buy concession like snacks, such as chips, freebies, and Gatorade. Each student will be allowed to visit…
We are now accepting clothing orders for the 2024/2025 school year. A form was sent home with the youngest or only child in our school. All clothing orders can be placed on the same form. It is…
Back to school!The first day of school is Tuesday, September 3, 2024. We are excited about the opportunities for students that are ahead! About Chinook’s Edge: We serve about 11,000 students in…
We are all getting excited for the first day back to school. Students will be returning on September 3, 2024. The school supply lists and calendar have been updated. Staff will be busy getting ready…
We are so excited about this new adventure. Please click the link to find out all the information.
Our last Boston Pizza day is on June 20th. Kids get to choose from the following for $6.00 Bugs and Cheese Pint size Lasagna Pint size Pizza 6" - (Hawaiian, Cheese or Peperoni) or $7.00 for an…